Who are we?
As a 2020 start-up of ETH Zurich, following over a decade of extensive R&D, SwissAI excels in demand forecasting and in assessing supply in the energy, mobility and real estate sectors, using innovative AI models. SwissAI continuously innovates in the space of AI and data science, driving advancements in development and operation of infrastructure
What we do?
SwissAI offers SaaS and PaaS solutions, utilising agent-based modelling to provide bottom-up GDPR-compliant characteristics of human choice. SwissAI focuses on creating detailed, predictive scenarios for informed and optimised decision-making for a range of customers with a special focus on energy, mobility, real estate, logistics & transportation challenges.
What is our value addition?
SwissAI is dedicated to guiding strategic, future-proof decisions in increasingly complex and connected sectors. SwissAI achieves this by combining human intelligence with AI, to navigate challenges and optimise solutions across a multitude of dynamic business sectors and across various scales, from an individual site to a portfolio of sites across an entire country. Improved profitability and reduced risks of future endeavours is where our AI excels