Real Estate

Building the Future: The Real Estate Renaissance

Witness the evolution of urban development

Discover our Innovative Solution
Who would Benefit?

Building the Tomorrow


Real Estate Developers

SwissAI's HUMAQ platform streamlines building design by optimising the functional mix, tailored to future demographics and market trends. The platform’s accurate prediction of people flow facilitates the efficient planning of the building’s configuration and auxiliary systems, thereby increasing ROI.


Real Estate Investors

SwissAI's HUMAQ platform enables investors to evaluate customer demographics and footfall for real estate properties, guiding strategies for pricing, and approaches to refine investments. The platform provides insight into the economic impacts of new developments, such as additional road or public transport network, on property prices, enhancing smarter and more profitable acquisitions.


Urban Operators

HUMAQ platform improves long term operational success of buildings and complexes. The platform allows users to predict short term impact of operational decisions, such as how people movement impacts the organisation of events or how changes in opening hours impact profitability, to assure predictability and improve profitability of daily decisions.

City Planners

Urban Planners

HUMAQ platform empowers urban planners with advanced digital twin technology to predict impact of density and functional mix allocation as well as infrastructural projects implementation on quality of life of its citizens. It enables better tailored urban infrastructure for future population requirements, maximising public benefits and improving real estate values.

The Challenge - Development Real Estate

How can urban development adapt to the intricate demands of technological advancement, economic relocation, and demographic shifts?

Where to build?
Selecting the right location is crucial for ensuring usage, accessiblity, and boosting property appreciation.
How to operate the building?
Identifying the optimal operational scheduling including emergency planning - be it for opening hours or event mix within the building complex -ensures maximum investment returns while keeping in check the risks of changes in people flow.
What functionality mix to choose?
Selecting the right mix of functions for the building shell is key to future-proofing properties and enhancing utilisation.
Who will use the space?
Understanding the target demographic profile, including affordability metrics, is essential for tailoring design and functionality to meet specific needs and preferences.
Customers Success

Precision in Real Estate Planning

Lower Demand Error
Increased Future Footfall

Traditional real estate development strategies struggle with inaccurate demand forecasting, leading to underutilised or inefficiently designed buildings.


SwissAI’s HUMAQ platform provides precise demand forecasting and user behaviour modelling, significantly improving the accuracy and efficiency of building designs, land use, and operational strategies.

Real Estate Goals

To Ensure You Achieve Your Objectives:

Future-Proofed Design
Crafting buildings that evolve with demographic trends and population needs, ensuring long-term relevance.

Investment Value Maximisation
Enhancing land and property value through foresight of the impact of new buildings, and developments in urban infrastructure.

Increased Success Rate
Decrease cost of sales by winning more projects with improved foresight and optimised development towards enhanced long term profitability for the owners and investors.
Improved Operations
Integrating short term operational changes, which driven by accurate predictions of demand, lower risks and improve profitability for real estate owners, event organisers, mobility operators and retailers.
Value Enhancement for Local Community
Assess impacts of new developments on the surrounding land value, job creation, congestion, emissions, etc, supporting urban planning and permitting process.
Energy and Mobility Integration
Drive value creation by early consideration of energy and mobility aspects of real estate projects for enhanced revenue streams and sustainability.

The Platform Capable of Achieving Your Goals:


Human-Centred Design & Acquisition
Unlock the full potential of your real estate projects with our cutting-edge, demand-driven design and foresight analytics.
Future of Real Estate

Building Tomorrow’s Urban Landscape with Precision


In-Depth Demographic Analysis

HUMAQ platform starts with a thorough examination of the population in the surrounding capture area, predicting how different groups will interact with new developments.

Strategic Building and Urban Planning

Strategic building and urban planning utilises AI to identify the most effective building designs and urban planning configurations for maximum profitability and community benefit.

Ongoing Adaptation and Enhancement

Provides continuous support and updates, adapting to urban development changes and operational decisions, to maintain leadership position in the market.

Transform Your Real Estate Visions into Reality

Ready to revolutionise your real estate projects with precision planning and future-proof strategies?

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